A change is needed

Jose A. Vidal
Published in
3 min readSep 20, 2021


We are still under pandemic effects which have taught us, how different business models are changing so fast. Obviously, BioTech & Pharma fields are still so strict at compliance level, but strategic vision must improve.

At personal level, my clear idea of looking for different conversations & cultures, new styles of management, horizontal structures more than vertical ones, hybrid, global and digital styles of working, but to avoid isomorphism (in this industry) is always there. The first one to use this concept was Enrique Dans, loved, respected and an intellectual reference, who added “if you want to change things…, you have to break things”.

Things have been breaking at Biotech and Pharma Industry, just comparing corporative structures during the last eleven years for instance, and more movements are coming soon. But there aren´t many cases, where different conversations are being created, like orientation product+ service, concept which technology innovation can put on the table between this industry and healthcare systems.

I published a thought about “Value, price and COVID19”, and in that article, talking about politician decisions in Prevention and Public Health, I made a reference about scientific governance concept, created by Cesar Nombela. We will see in perspective health, social and economic COVID19´s effects, which we could have avoided.

The best way of taking part in change is being involved in interesting initiatives, where critical point of view is a must, with clear aim of changing status quo in this industry, which will see with COVID19´s effects another critical movement.

In this sense, to build new ways of thinking, Cesar Nombela -great Spanish investigator and Microbiology Professor, as well as other National and International recognitions- is moving on with his Biotech and Pharma School, where he has considered to include my profile, to take part in it.

In my Spanish post version I gave way to Cesar Nombela, to explain more about this academic initiative which is going to be developed in collaboration with IMF Smart Education

ES version


Master in “ Patient Access to Medicines Value and Healthcare Technologies”. A Degree by Francisco de Vitoria University. Supported by AELMHU, AMIFE, APRI, ASD, FENIN. Scholarship´s application time has just been opened.

Medical Affair International Master. Program which is part of Educational offer by Biotech and Pharma School lead by Professor Cesar Nombela.


CVS Deep Dive. Skeptical of integrated healthcare strategy, but CVS still looks extremely attractive. Enlightened Capital Blog.

(ES) El valor de la salud digital. Salud con cosas. Miguel Angel Mañez.


Ivan Landabaso showed days ago in Startup Riders a couple of interesting companies. Cella Medical Solutions (health) and TherapyChat (mental health) which raised 10 and 5 millions.

(ES) Joaquín Mencía shared with us at the end of August, Cairehealth, “company which resolves one of these unknown problems”, explained Joaquín about this startup. To prevent future problems or effects at head level, in people who suffered accidents, crash, hits, etc. Just in US, mortality risk is 4X in this target of patients.


The Sunday Read: How Long can be live? The New York Times.

Understanding & Conquering Depression Huberman Lan Podcast #34


Maybe this content could be mentioned Educational Pills Area:

ISPOR Short Course Program is now Virtual. Several educational options in September, October and December 2021.

Source: Spanish post version.



Jose A. Vidal