Lanzadera´s Health HUB

Jose A. Vidal
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2022


We have to recognize when things happen in a proper way at Corporate level in Life Sciences & Healthcare.

To create HUBs to develop innovation in digital health, leaving out Big Companies procedures, operational & burocratical rutines, these are healthy corporate exercises which would show effects in mild and long term, developing positive add exercise focused on product + service orientation.

I made a lot of references in the past about Data Oportunitty in healthcare and these HUBs are so important to maximize develop digital health innovation, integrating and adapting these StartUp environments with the aim of creating different conversations in a real way.

Lanzadera is an initiative powered by Juan Roig.

We have a Best Practice as an example, Lanzadera´s Health HUB which is moving on in these contents and initiatives powered by Janssen. The idea is to integrate disruptiving StartUps in digital health, with Big Companies, apart from the mentioned Janssen, Medtronic, Ribera Salud, Siemens Healthcare, IBM and Amazon, are also involved.

The objective of this HUB is to reconsider experience for patient and healthcare professionals with the aim of promoting wellbeing for people raising the Remote Hospital idea.

This aceleration program garantees paid concept practices, hybrid format and equity free. This ecosystem gives a mentoring scenario, economic exchange, co-working spaces and networking, which make rich ecosystem.

Report, “Innovation at Healthcare Sector”.

In January 22, this HUB published a report “Innovation at Healthcare Sector”, a document composed by 32 pages where all these involved Companies show their work route schedule about this HUB: precission and prevention medicine, to manage data in healthcare innovation, to improve patient use perception, Agile concept, Digital Healthcare challenge, Certification in Digital Health.

In conclussion, someone who pretends to leave Life Sciences & Healthcare Companies better than when we found them, I must admit when colleagues develop best Practices and we have to show how value proposal is increasing. Well done, guys.

Therefore, congratulations to Corporate colleagues: Xavier Moig, Pedro Martínez, Jacobo Muñoz, Tania Menéndez, among others, apart from fantastic Lanzadera´s ecosystem: Javier Jiménez, Carmen Durán and team.

ES version


(ES) Medical Affair International Master. Program which is part of Educational offer by Biotech and Pharma School lead by Professor Cesar Nombela.

(ES) Advanced Management Program. IE Business School. Educational executive programs. Information.


Paralysed man with severed spine walks thanks to implant. BBC NEWS. February 2022.

The Roadmap for Implementing Value- Based Healthcare in European University Hospitals — Consensus Report and Recommendations. ISPOR. December 2021.

Nanotechnology: from tennis balls to sunscreen. The Collinder. December 2021.

New Study Uncovers Specifically How Covid-19 Disrupted Healthcare Payer Operations. October 2021. MME Advisors.

It’s Time to Toss SWOT Analysis into the Ashbin of Strategy History. Peak Revenue Learning. April 2021.


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Meet Sami, the Brazilian Health Insurance Company Making Care Tech-Enabled and Affordable Startup Health. January 2022.

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Joaquin Mencia shows and explains these initiatives: Onco (ASIA) Tani Salud (LATAM). Feel free to check his newsletter.


In this case, podcast in Spanish:

(ES) #86: El mapa de las culturas. Kaizen, con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago.

(ES) #87 Pensamiento crítico: palomas bailarinas, Mickey Mouse y un kit para detectar charlatanes. Kaizen, con Jaime Rodríguez de Santiago.


HTA/Reimbursement Evolution and Priorities for Assessment in a Value-Based Healthcare Environment in Latin America. ISPOR. March 2022.

This Webinar is an interesting virtual event promoted by Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacists. Event in Spanish:

(ES) Webinar- Análisis de la Estrategia Salud Digital del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria. February 2022.



Jose A. Vidal